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Glass Image Templates
This page is a gallery consisting of drawings that I have made ready for glass and leather projects
The Vermilion Bird SuzakuMy depiction of the constellation spirit creature Suzaku and its seven constellations surrounding it. | The Blue Green Dragon, SeiryuMy depiction of the constellation spirit creature Seiryu and its seven constellations surrounding it. | LokiMy version of the two snakes of Loki along with his name in runes at the top. |
WolvesMy rendition of a wolf on a cliff, howling at the moon along with a tribal styled face of a wolf. | Winged Heart | Name FrameFor people would would like a name or nickname framed and lit up. |
Life-DeathThis is my stylized rendition of the Japanese symbols for Life (at the top) and Death (at the bottom) accompanied by the moon and sun at the top and bottom as well. | Dragon on a CrossThis is simply a image of a snake like dragon wrapped around a stylized cross with spine fins down its back with Bone like clawed wings. | Book LoversThis is an image I designed for book enthusiasts like my cousin, I can change it around to be able to spell out whatever name you would like |
Monroe Quotes | Monroes Face | Oklahoma |
Mothers Day | Firebird | Thor |
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